Uniform Manager
Easy Asset Tracking and Automated Processes
Uniform Manager
The Most Renowned Asset Management System on the Market!
Uniform Manager is specifically designed to automate staff uniform operations in hotels, casinos, hospitals, resorts, theme parks and other uniform intensive industries. Our software interfaces with auto dispatch conveyors, and uniforms can be picked up 24 hours a day. Everything Uniform Manager provides is designed to save your operations time and money!
Reduction in Lost GarmentsKnow at the click of a button who has what and how many!Vendor AccountabilityBe sure that every uniform that goes out to be cleaned or repaired comes back to you.Labor ReductionProcess hundreds of garments per second without handling a single item!Reduction in PurchasingIf it never disappears, it doesn’t need replaced…
Uniform Manager’s extensive reporting capabilities include:
Employee Assignment ReportListing of all garments assigned and to whomLoaner ReportTrack garments on loan and not returnedRequired Purchases ReportKeep inventory at required par level for smoother daily operationsInventory Detail ReportDetailed listing of specific quantities in your inventory
Bottom Line Savings Benefits
Employees Are AccountableProvides accountability for uniforms at the employee level, resulting in reduced shrinkage. Automated payroll deductions are possible with an HR system interface.Vendors Are AccountableTracks vendor performance to ensure an accurate count of garments sent to and returned from cleaners and suppliers.Uniform Inventory Kept at Optimal LevelsProvides historical tracking on life of every item to verify linen items are in accordance with specifications and replaced when required.Comprehensive ReportsEnsure optimal inventory levels are maintained for daily operations and to prevent unnecessary uniform purchases.Employees Have Proper UniformsProvides historical reporting on life of every garment, verifying garments are in accordance with specifications and replaced at the correct time.
The biggest benefit your company will realize from using Foundation LogicSystems Uniform Manager is Additional Profits! Spend less replacing and tracking assets and do it with less man hours. All of your decisions should be this easy!
Our Uniform Manager Software interfaces with auto dispatch conveyors as shown here with: